Markets & Locations

With the help of our market analysis, your customer data can be evaluated and market potential can be determined, so that you can use your marketing and sales measures effectively.

Recognize market opportunities and determine location potentials

In order to do business successfully, it is not only knowledge about customers that is crucial, but also the investigation of relevant markets. After all, if you do not know how your industry is developing and how your own position in the market presents itself, you will not be able to use your marketing and sales measures effectively. In order to obtain this information, a professional market analysis is recommended, with which you can determine your market penetration as well as potentials and risks.

For strategic business planning, it is also important that you consider location-specific success criteria: With a location analysis, you can have existing branches evaluated and plan new locations optimally by taking factors such as earnings potential, infrastructure and competition into account. In the process, you can find out where your target groups with a high purchasing power live, where your products or services are in demand and where the competitive situation is best for you.

Creditreform Lietuva

Whatever your situation - we have the right solution


Enables comprehensive analyses of market areas, industries and other factors. The marketing database contains detailed and reliable information on more than 2.2 million economically active companies from Germany, Austria and Luxembourg.

Markets & Locations


Economic information for more than 24.5 Mio public and private companies from 45 european countries.

Here is why information about markets and locations is important

Our market analyses start where you cannot get ahead on your own: We evaluate your customer data and market potential according to creditworthiness aspects and current market information and use various statistical methods to show you promising customer segments. Both in B2B and B2C business. In doing so, we determine your situation on the market and determine how far your market penetration has progressed.

We use location analyses to determine how profitable your current company location is and where you can find the optimal location factors. This is accompanied by topics such as sales territory analysis, expansion planning or branch network planning.

Increase the potential of your database

Knowledge about customers, markets and locations is a very elementary factor in gaining an advantage over competitors. Your own customer database offers great potential. It is our task to optimize, supplement and keep your database up-to-date. This can be done through our powerful data audit, with which we examine your company's database. The advantages:

  • We deliver the results of our database analysis within a few days.
  • The data audit shows you the strengths and weaknesses of your database.
  • The creation of new data sets is easy, fast and comfortable.